Tips Making Content on your Period

Here are a few simple tips for making content during that time of the month! 

Most sites do not allow creators to show blood (real or fake) in any content. Here are a few ways to make sure you will not break any of your sites' TOS during your period, but also make some sexy content! 


The first obvious thing to do when making content during your period is to take still photos! If you are like me, during this time I am feeling a bit lazy and don't want to do a bunch, so my favorite thing to do is take photos! You can pick the angles that suit you best for whatever you are wearing or if you want to wear nothing at all! If your skin also breaks out like mine during your period, photos are also easy to smooth over unlike a video. 

Audio Recordings 

Instead of taking a video of yourself masturbating or having sex during your period, why not do an audio recording? This is also very smart for when you just don't feel like getting ready! If you don't even feel like having sex you can also write out a script or story and do a bit of dirty talking and/or Roleplaying. 

Videos from Other Angles or that Don't Involve the Vagina 

You can still make videos of you masturbating or having sex while you are on your period, you just can't show any blood! You can still do a close up of your (and your partner(s)) face(s) or get into a position that still shows your whole body but not your vagina. Or you can focus on another sexual act or fetish that doesn't involve your vagina ! There are soooo many. Here are some of my personal favorites: Femdom, Blowjobs, Nipple Play, Spit Play, Balloons Inflatables, & Feet.

Cut & Tuck your Tampon String 

If you still want to show your vagina in videos or on cam, but don't want to show your tampon string to show, here's what to do. You can cut the string shorter & tuck it inside you. You won't be able to tell that you have one in as long as it is tucked inside well!

Of Course, the Bath 

My favorite place to cam or making videos when I am on my period is the bath for obvious reasons. Plus, you deserve to relax an do a bit of self-care during this time (and get paid for it). I like to strip, put in a bath bomb, light some candles, shave, vape, and maybe even bring a toy for more fun!
